Rules and Regulations

Courtesy in the Library

Library users are requested to present their validated borrower’s library card in borrowing books at all times.

The following are strictly not allowed:

  • doing art work inside the reading room;
  • eating, smoking and sleeping;
  • talking loudly; and,
  • loud ringing of cell phone, beeper or any other communication devices

Library Hours

University Library Schedule

Open on School Days
Monday to Friday
7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM -- Thesis & Knowledge Resource Section

CLOSED on Sundays and Holidays

Requirements for Library Use

PNU Students, Faculty and Administrative Staff
  • Borrower’s Library ID duly validated for the current term by authorized library staff.
Outside Researchers
  • School I.D. and Referral letter from the institution of origin and payment of outside researcher’s fee.
Inter-Institutional Consortium (I-IC) Students and Faculty
  • School I.D. and Inter-Institutional Consortium (I-IC) referral letter.

Book Loans

  1. Reading Room Use Only
    • Two non-reserve books can be borrowed at a time by a student library user.
    • Poster, maps, and globes maybe borrowed for classroom use for one and a half hour.
    • Reference, newly acquired books, desk copy books, theses, special projects, dissertations, periodicals, newspapers, audio-visual (AV) materials and vertical file clippings are STRICTLY FOR LIBRARY USE ONLY.
  2. Overnight and Home Reading Loans
    • Overnight loans for a maximum of two (2) non-reserve books are issued from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday ; 1:00 p. m. – 3:00 p. m. on Saturday.
    • Overnight loans should be returned on or before 12:00 a.m. the next school day.
    • No overnight loans are issued during the first two weeks and last week of the semester.


The fine for overdue books are the following:
  • Reserve books - Php 5.00 per day for students
    Php 10.00 per day for faculty/ staff
  • Non-reserve book - Php 2.00 per day for students
    Php 5.00 per day for faculty/ staff
Fraction of a day will be considered one full day.

Lost Books

  • Lost books must be reported immediately to the Chief Librarian
  • A book that is lost should be replaced with an exact copy or an up-to-date related title if there is no exact copy available in the bookstore.
  • The corresponding fine from the date that the book should be returned up to the time it is replaced will be an additional requirement.

Library Clearance

Library clearance is secured from the Chief Librarian through the .Administrative Assistant assigned in the office.